Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Find Highest Time-Consuming Assignees in Human Task in Oracle SOA

Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control provides a comprehensive way of analysing, managing, monitoring and diagnosing the SOA infrastructure. You can manage the lifecycle of the SCA composite applications which includes deployment and testing as well.
You can find out the highest time consuming assignees in human task with the help of Oracle Enterprise Manager Console. Follow the below steps:
  1. Login to the Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control with administrator account.
  2. Select the SCA composite in Farm on the left side pane. Make sure Dashboard tab is open.

Figure 1

3.       Click on the Human Workflow component in the Component Metrics Panel. As shown in Figure 1 CIBusinessRuleHumantask is the Human Workflow component.

Figure 2
4.       You can check out the various parameters on the HumanTask Component screen as seen in Figure 2.
1.       Highest Time - Consuming Assignees - Gives you the list of assignees with the average time taken on completing a task along with the mean deviation. The users ian, kunal and sayan took 0.051 hours (3.06 minutes), 0.043 hours (2.58 minutes) and 0.007 hours (0.42 minutes) respectively.
2.       Business Outcomes – Gives you the bar chart of the outcomes of the human tasks. There are 7 instances with the outcome as Approve and 2 instances with Reject outcome.
3.       Notifications – Provides the different types of notification channels used in notifying about the human workflow.
4.       Instance Rate per Min – Gives the run time data about instance throughputs in the last 5 minutes.

I hope this post will help people analyse several aspects of BPEL processes (including the basic performance of assignees ;)) where human interaction is required.

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